Our Day In the Life

Thursdays are our most busy day. Kat has dance and after school both kids have art. We usually stop by my Dad’s Honey Dew for lunch because, as you know, if you do something once with your kids that means it must always be that way!

I don’t mind, but I prefer a salad over a bagel for lunch. This leaves me trying not to rush family time but also get home so there’s time for me to have lunch before Reece’s bus and rushing to art class.

Rich usually goes downstairs with the kids when they are ready to head down. Lately Kat and Reece have been playing quietly together in their rooms before getting us at 6:30, which I never thought would happen if this was a six months ago. Because of my migraines it helps me to get up more slowly by waking, relaxing a few minutes, then getting out of bed. Once I’m ready to move around, I get my clothes and the kids for the day and join the tiny beasts downstairs.

kids dinner
I forgot to include the final dinner result, which a lot of you always like to see. Chicken, rice, mango, orange, kiwi, cukes & carrots. Kids ate all the fruit and veggies.
Mom's dinner
Adult dinner: chicken with rice, roasted cauliflower, sautéed soy sauce butternut squash.

I hope you enjoy a small glimpse of our life in a day. Like the video or comment below if you want to see more of this type of content. Next time I’ll use better camera angles, I was a little frazzled as this was my first time trying to do a big video like this!

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